The History Of Pirates – Part Four – Life Aboard The Ship

The History Of Pirates – Part Four – Life Aboard The Ship


What was life like aboard a pirate ship? Pirate life has been widely romanticized in literature and movies, but historians have uncovered some clues in the archives of libraries. Black Bart actually had a printed code, a document akin to a modern day employee manual. A rare copy still has been preserved by historians.

The Pirate Code was a list of rules that crew members were required to sign and swear by.

The list is written in Olde English, and subject to interpretation, but it is believed that it is organized from most important rule to least.

Black Bart’s Pirate Code consisted of the following rules:

1. Every man on board has an equal vote in the affairs of the moment.

2. Every man is entitled to equal provisions, including fresh fruit, vegetables, grains and meat – and can use them at their pleasure until scarcity requires retrenchment and rationing.

3. Every man would be called, in turn, by list, when awarding the share of the loot.

4. Any man accused of defrauding the company by hiding or embezzling part of the bounty including boots, hats and clothing will be punished by marooning. (They would be left on an deserted island).

5. No man is allowed to participate in gaming or gambling with cards or dice on board.

6.All lights and candles below deck must be put out by eight o’clock at night. All activities after set curfew were permitted only on the upper decks.

7. Fights over a ladies virtue had to be left onshore, and could not be continued back on board.

8. No man can strike another man while on board. If parties cannot come to a reasonable and swift reconciliation, the fight, at the word of the commander will be settled by a cutlass battle, with the winner determined by the victor who first draws blood.

9. The Captain and his Quarter-Mafter will receive half of any bounty, another quarter will be rewarded to the ships, boatswain, gunners and other officers, and the remaining quarter will be dispersed among the remaining crew.