Pack Like Pro For Your Camping Trip

Pack Like Pro For Your Camping Trip

Sooo….you’re going camping, leaving the khaki’s and cubicle behind. It’s going to be epic, majestic and more. Whoa – hold on there Clark Griswold! You’re about to take your girlfriend, wife, Friends or family WAY out of their comfort zone. You know, the one where even the family dog has WIFI access. Read on…we’ve done the thinking for you. Here’s our list of everything you are going to forget to bring.

A few of these items, you’ll want to purchase from a camping superstore, others you can find at the nearest Walmart or Dollar store.

An inexpensive indoor/outdoor rug. You’ll place this outside the door to your tent, camper or RV. This rug is where sandy shoes, wet towels, and possibly leaking coolers will live during your trip.

Some light rope and a bunch of clothespins. Tie the rope between two trees, and you’ll have a place for wet clothes and towels to dry overnight.

Several large water-proof containers, (the kind used for storing leftover food). One can be used to store car keys, cell phones and other electronics. The others can be used for food. (See the article, pack the perfect cooler, under the INSIDERS GUIDE tab, for more about packing coolers.

A folding picnic table It’s a small investment item, but there are several available online for under $100 bucks. It’s a better option than a bunch of folding camp chairs. You can use it as a food prepping station, a place to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, and a late night spot for card games and cocktails.

A cooler on wheels with built in cupholders, this cooler can serve as an additional tabletop, and the cup holders are convenient to hold drinks on windy days.

A folding shade canopy, the sun is VERY strong in the keys, after a day at the seashore, you’ll need some shade. Buy a sturdy one that won’t blow over in the wind. Place the folding picnic table underneath. You can hang battery-operated lanterns from the rafters to create an outdoor living space.

Battery-operated lanterns and spare batteries, you’ll want at least two good lanterns, especially if you’re tent camping. After dark, if the kids want to retire to the tent, they’ll want to take a lantern with them, make sure you have one for the adults.

Long Butane Lighters and Charcoal, you’ll need charcoal if you plan to grill and long butane lighters (you can buy these for just a few dollars). The butane lighters are essential, trying to light coals in windy conditions with matches or cigarette lighters can be impossible – think Tom Hanks in CAST-AWAY, you’ll need fire!

A roll of Visqueen, a plastic tarp and some heavy duty clamps, for under twenty dollars you can buy some heavy duty clamps and a roll of Visqueen or a plastic tarp. If you’re camping on or near a beach, these two items can save your outdoor plans if the winds and seas kick up. A srtong plastic tarp or length of visqueen secured to an awning or wrapped around a shade canopy will shield you from the cold, strong winds and sea spray.

A float for your keys, you’ll absolutely want to to buy this dollar item. You may have to purchase it online or at a bait and tackle store, but it’s invaluable. It’s a flotation device for your keys. If you’re planning on fishing, kayaking, jet-skiing or even just wading into the waters – have this on your key chain, it’s a life preserver for your keys.

These are items you already have at home that will make your trip more comfortable:

A toolbox, you’ll need it more than you know.
Sunscreen, the really high SPF stuff.
Bug Spray, trust me. The spray stuff works fine, but everything and everyone will smell like it, see if you can find a lotion.
A broom, handy for sweeping out tents and cars.
A First aid Kit, when you need it, you’ll need it.
Chinet plates, forget about the flimsy stuff, these plates can travel from grill to table, to camp chair…you get the picture.
Some real utensils, a cutting board, some bowls and a beer opener from home, bring the ugly stuff you inherited from your parents or grandma. A real knife, a cutting board, a mixing bowl and a couple of 1970’s era sturdy serving spoons… are perfect. Use them, loose them, who cares, try cooking something really awesome with just plastic utensils.
Lawn and Leaf Bags, the big black sturdy ones.
A roll or two of toilet paper, I’ll leave this to your imagination.
A big roll of Antiseptic Wipes, wash the fish funk off your hands, wipe down the table for dinner…you’ll use them.
Dish towels, you’ll remember the beach towels, but really need a few of these.
Tin Foil, a roll goes a long way on a beach, line the grill when cooking delicate seafood, or use it to wrap up left-overs.
Large rubber bands and chip clips, use them like you would at home to secure food containers and prevent food from going stale.
A board game, deck of cards and a couple rolls of quarters, drag these out after the sun goes down, sea-side Bingo, Scrabble or Poker games are awesome.

Article Submitted By Corey Justice
Corey writes for several blogs, newspapers and websites. He’s an expert on camping and outdoor living. His website: Camping By Corey is currently under construction featuring expert camping advice.

Article Submitted By Corey Justice
Corey writes for several blogs, newspapers and websites. He’s an expert on camping and outdoor living. His website: Camping By Corey is currently under construction featuring expert camping advice.